
Sky Guide 10: Bronze Metal Clay Hand-Forming Step Guide Tutorial

This tutorial is a step guide that places a focus on working with base metal clay's. Designed for those with minimal metal clay experience, the guide provides details on how to master firing base metals. Enhance your creations with texturing using simple texture surfaces. This version also includes an overview of the steps to solder a bezel cup gemstone setting.

You can use your preferred bronze metal clay brand by using the included instructions on how to adjust the base template to match the shrinkage rate, simply by adjusting the print settings.

The .pdf tutorial contains;

  • 55 pages of techniques,best practices, tips and tricks.
  • 74 HD quality photos.
  • Printable template.
  • Step by step guide on placing hand-formed elements.
  • How to create your personal firing schedule.
  • How to apply texture.
  • How to form a dome shaped piece.
  • A checklist to help you get the things you need.

This step guide is well within the capacity of a beginner, however, kiln firing is strongly recommended.

Although not required, the following pre-requisites are recommended depending on your experience level:

  1. Completion of a basic introduction to metal clay.

After check out you will download a printable version of the tutorial to allow you to work offline either by tablet / PC viewing or printed document. 

You are purchasing a single (1) user non-transferable licence to use this tutorial for you own personal use.

View / Print or Download a list of all you'll need for this project: HERE